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Dale en el ARCO Juana!
Argentine Lesbian Website

Revista Malabia
Virtual literature magazine, art and culture, with a strong commitment at the diffusion of the latinoamerican art and open to the share ideas. You can find a lot of authors, society, visual arts, interviews and it has a file since number cero.

Viendo Cine
Site dedicated to argentine cinematography.

Solo Cortos
Independient films and shorts films on line in spanish.

Prevention, attention and research about domestic violence between lesbians.

Every year organizes the "Paris Lesbian Film Festival". A festival of films by women film-makers, films for lesbians and films by lesbians. The Best Of Mixed is a mini-festival, as part of Lesbian Pride in June. This event too is about visibility: we want to raise awareness of our festival and bring some great lesbian films to a mixed public.

Buenos Aires, Argentina
Dale en el arco Juana