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By supporting this project, you are participating in building the world you want to live in.

Dear friends, we write guided by the need to tell you about the difficult situation that DIVERSA is going through, mainly because it is a project with no economic support for the overall making of the festival, despite having invested a great deal of time and work in trying to get resources from the most varied ways without achieving concrete answers or positive results.

We feel it is necessary to clarify that we are not a production company or a company, but since 2006 we are formed as a nonprofit organization named PRISMA Civil Association for Diversity, whose mission is to work for respect towards diversity. Despite never having basic economic resources and the few we are in the organization, we have worked hard since the beginning, ad honorem, and with no budget to ensure the existence of this space so necessary and that turned out to be, in all years of its existence, so important to society. That is why we decided to launch a donation campaign aimed at ensuring the continuity of the project.

That is why, today more than ever, the survival of the festival depends on the desire of all of you to maintain spaces dedicated to meetings, integration and celebration of diversity through culture.


Why contribute with Diversa

  • Because you are helping to build a society more informed, more integrated, with room for everyone.
  • It is an event that meets needs and realities so far not covered by other projects.
  • because you collaborate with the spread of gay-themed cinema and artwork that find no other exhibition spaces, encouraging and helping the artists and filmmakers to create more and better productions that promote respect for diversity.
  • Because the festival offers a different space of activities and socialize.
  • Because you're tired of stereotypes.
  • Because you can deduct it from your taxes.
  • Because it faces a profoundly adverse context for such projects, in which financial support and institutional or private support are usually non-existent for cultural projects in general and GLBT-themed projects in particular.
  • Because it involves betting that our life experience is not hampered by barriers that aim to benefit only a part of it.
  • Because there is no need to be gay to help or participate.
  • Because you are interested in this project to continue.
  • Because we are a small group of people without large financial resources, structural or economic, but with a lot of strength to create, achieve and maintain this space for community inclusion.


How to donate

There are no set amounts to donate, everyone can do it according to their ability and willingness to support the project. It can be at once, or an amount once a month.

To do this we will make available a bank account at Ciudad Bank. You can make a deposit at any branch, or an electronic transfer via the Internet.

Collaboration can be anonymous or personal. We would like you to contact us to know the people that are helping the project, and thus can also learn more about the festival and what we do.

The account details are:

The account is held by
Bank: Banco Ciudad
Special Current Account No. 9381 / 7 - Branch: 7
CBU 02900070 10000000938175

(please contact us first for transfers from abroad),

In return...

...For the help that you can provide us and as incentive for the ones that are not quite sure, we offer donors a number of benefits that are nothing more than a way to acknowledge the support of those who engage with the project.

Click sobre la imagen para ver una versión más grande.
  • If the donation exceeds $120, you're our guest / a VIP to the festival, with free access to all activities and functions.
  • If the donation exceeds $250, you're our guest Benefactor, and besides being VIP, you're invited to a special dinner at the end of the festival.
  • he donation may be higher or lower than those listed. That is subject to the desire of every person.

To access any of these options you have to contact us by submitting proof of the donation made.

Thank you in advance for your time and understanding. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

Email: diversafilms@hotmail.com

Our warmest regards,
Juan Pedro Yelp - Production
Gabriela Waisman - Director General



DIVERSA ® Culture for Diversity
General Accreditations Press Area DIVERSA Itinerant Edition 2006
PRISMA Asociación Civil por la Diversidad   © All rigths reserved