Festival Internacional de Cine
Gay Lésbico Trans de Argentina
Fiction, Documentary and Experimenal films from all over the world
are exhibited in DIVERSA, all of them in 11 days and in 2 theatres.
The first edition of this festival was made on the year 2004, being
the first festival of these characteristics in Latin America, and
the only one in Argentina even nowadays, achieving in short time
a position as the most important one of the region with international
The most of the fims presented were never exhibited in the country,
and perhaps even in the continent. Besides this international productions,
within our program there's a great emphasis in national and Latin
American productions. So DIVERSA is an unique way of expression
with no precedence.
The selection criteria is focused in the points of view from which
these stories are told, trying to gather the works that are closer
to the GLTBI reality, with interesting contents, emotional impact,
and optimum cinematographic quality. No pornography is exhibited.
works against discrimination and towards respect for diversity,
reducing distances through culture, generating direct channels
of communication and collaborating with the development of cinematography
in all areas and territories
DIVERSA rewards the best productions with prices and special mentions
based in the vote of the audience for best feature, documentary
and short film. The filmakers attending to the festival present
their own films, invited to answer questions after the exhibition.
DIVERSA translates and subtitles all the films that are presented
in the program.
There's a parallel Art Gallery with GLTBI related works and discussion
tables oriented to both the general audience and the specialized.
We invite in that case specialized panellists and guests from abroad.
The festival is only developed in Theatres that count with the properly
habilitation and that count with the necessary equipment.
Along the rest of the year, DIVERSA works and carries out other
activities, such us the programing of films about sexual diversity
and it's presentation in television and other theatres, the constitution
of an specialized archive with films and a complete database for
general infromation.