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 2nd. Edition of DIVERSA

DIVERSA 2005 is over and the Argentine cinema was the chosen one by the audience

The second Gay/Lesbian/Trans Film Festival of Argentina, was held from the 10 to the 20 November 2005, during the week of Pride GLTTBI in Argentina. It was shown at the COSMOS CINEMA (Av. Corrientes 2046) and the MALBA (Latin American Art Museum of Buenos Aires - Collection Constantini - Av. Figueroa Alcorta 3415).

Three thousand and five hundred (3500) spectators enjoyed the movies during the eleven days that the DIVERSA Festival lasted. It also offered an art gallery where the works of the artists Jesús Romero, Damián Gargiulo, Leandro Torres, and Les Arts were exhibited; and four debates where more than 250 people and many famous ones participated, for example: Osvaldo Bazán, Anahí Berneri, Javier Van de Couter, Tatiana Shapir, Romina Gaetani, Pablo Cullel, Nicholas Scarpino, Marcelo Camaño, Veronique Courtois and Pascual Condito among other personalities of the national and international, cultural and cinematographic task.

In this opportunity the attending audience to the different shows voted the French film "CRUSTACÉS ET COQUILLAGES" of Olivier Ducastel and Jaques Martineau, as the best fictional feature film, whereas two Argentine films were chosen as best documentary and best short film. One is "HOTEL GONDOLÍN" of Fernando Lopez Escrivá, documentary that approaches the daily life and the conflicts of 30 travestis that live in this hotel in the City of Buenos Aires, and the short film "NICK: CHICO_OSTRA" of Fabio Junco which narrates the encounter of two young people in "gay chat". Junco as well as Lopez Escrivá, received their diplomas in the overwhelmed theatre of the Cosmos Cinema by the hands of Gabriela Waisman, festival director.

Almost tripling the amount of spectators in the previous edition, and counting with the support of the audience, the specialized press and different national and international institutions, DIVERSA, the International Film Festival with thematic GLTTBI of Argentina had for the second consecutive year, the cultural space created for the diversity of realities and the respect for differences.


Best Feature Film
(France / 2004 / 96 min / Fiction / Dir: Olivier Ducastel y Jaques Martineau)

Best Documentary
(Argentina / 2005 / 52 min / Documentary / Dir: Fernando López Escriva)

Best Short
(Argentina / 2004 / 9 min / Shortfilm fiction / Dir: Fabio Junco)

DIVERSA 2005 was promoted by:

Instituto Nacional de Cine y Artes Audiovisuales (I.N.C.A.A.)
Dirección General de la mujer - Gobierno de la Ciudad de Bs As
MALBA (Latin American Art Museum of Buenos Aires Colección Constantini)
KESHET (Diversidad sexual en el Judaísmo)
Amnistía Internacional
Goethe-Institut de Buenos Aires
Festival de Cine Gay/Lésbico de Madrid LesGaiCineMad
Secretaría de Cultura - Gob BsAs

     The press kit for each year's edition of DIVERSA is available  -->  PRESS KIT 2005

DIVERSA ® Culture for Diversity
General Accreditations Press Area DIVERSA Itinerant Edition 2006
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