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 1st. Edition of DIVERSA

The 1st. Gay/Lesbian/Trans Film Festival of Argentina was held from the 28 October to the 3 November 2004, in the Cosmos Cinema (Av. Corrientes 2046) and in the micro cinema of Palais de Glace (Space INCAA Km 3). It was a great success; and it had an important repercussion in the media (Press kit available in this web), and also an excellent reception of the audience.

1600 people participated and according to feedback and critics received, people were very satisfied with the exhibited material.

12 long films and 40 short films were shown. The countries that participated were: Argentina, Germany, Canada, United States, South Africa, Mexico, Ireland, the Netherlands, Polland, Colombia, France, and Spain. The audience voted their favorite films and the winners were: best long film "GOLDFISH MEMORY" (Ireland) directed by Liz Gill, and best short film "LAURA IS MY FATHER"(Holland) directed by Juul Bovenberg; and "THE MILKMAN"(Canada) directed by Ken Takahashi.

An interchange of mutual programming was also made with Lesgaicinemad festival - Gay/Lesbian Film Festival of Madrid -, and we had the presence of Enrique Asis, who was part of the main board during two years of FRAMELINE, Gay/lesbian festival of San Francisco, the most important in the world in its type, and exposed a panorama on the history of the political activism in the United States, altogether with 3 films, and a speech.

When the festival ended, a bigger frame of possibilities was opened, invitations and contacts for the following year. During the first edition of DIVERSA we were invited to participate in the following events:

  • 6° Rights Humans Festival DERHUMALC: in Santiago del Estero, Argentina, from the 25 August to the 1° September 2004. We participated in panels and introduced the festival.

  • 55° Berlin Film Festival - BERLINALE: in the city of Berlin, Germany, from the 10 to the 20 February 2005. There, Gabriela Waisman, DIVERSA director, participated as international jury in the TEDDY Award, prize GLTB of the Berlin Film Festival, internationally known as one of most important in the world.
    There the jury, made up of 9 beginners of Gay/lesbian Festivals around the world, and where Gabriela Waisman was representating DIVERSA:: ARGENTINA, chose the best long film, the best short film and best documentary; receiving each one a statuette and a prize of 3000 euros.
    The TEDDY jury decided to give the prize as best long film to the Argentine ¨A year without love¨. Directed by Anahí Berneri, this film was presented in the parallel activities of the first DIVERSA edition in November 2004, when it was still in post production.
    The TEDDY prize is the second in importance to the official prize that the Berlin festival gives, that is why this prize is a valuable one for the Argentine cinema, and an excellent incentive to the Gay/lesbian/trans productions of our country.

  • 23° The International Cinematographic Festival of Uruguay: in the city of Montevideo, Uruguay, from the 19 March to the 3 April 2005. DIVERSA had its own section where all the shows were presented by Gabriela Waisman, DIVERSA director, and Iván Fantasia, general producer.
    Invited by the Film library to the 23° International Cinematographic Festival of Uruguay, we exhibited a 70% of the films presented in Buenos Aires in 2004 during 7 days. Every night the cinema was full of people. Many of them sitting on the floor and some couldn't go in.
    We were received by the Argentine Embassy in Uruguay, where a press conference with Uruguayan and international media was held. The presentation of DIVERSA in Montevideo was all a success, as well as the feedback of people and institutions.
    Independent Film Festival of Buenos Aires: in the city of Buenos Aires, from 14 to the 24 April 2005. DIVERSA presented officially the festival in the context of the BAFICI. There were audience and professionals of the audiovisual media. The general director of the BAFICI, Fernando Peña, gave an introduction to present DIVERSA, and was gratefully received by the people.

  • Invited by "Ciudad Abierta" Cable State Channel: belonging to the government of the City of Buenos Aires, Secretaría de Cultura. We were asked to make a documentary cycle about sexual diversity in August 2005.

    DIVERSA 2004 was promoted by: INCAA National Institute of Cinema and Audio-visual Arts - Secretaría de cultura del Government of Bs. As. - CINEMATECA Foundation Argentina - GOETHE-INSTITUTE - LesGaiCineMad - Derhumalc - CHA - La Fulana

     The press kit for each year's edition of DIVERSA is available  -->  PRESS KIT 2004


DIVERSA ® Culture for Diversity
General Accreditations Press Area DIVERSA Itinerant Edition 2006
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